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I don’t know if it’s the fall weather or the nesting has already kicked in. But deep cleaning and decluttering the house is my jam right now!

Deep cleaning and decluttering:

-swapped out summer clothes and bought majority of fall/winter clothes
-went through my clothes that don’t fit now, summer clothes and donated stuff I didn’t love. which left me with less to pack away for next year.
-scrubbed bathroom grout with baking soda, perioxide, and a toothbrush. Hubby didn’t seem to think it was a big deal but I think it lightened the floor a lot! ha. still need to finish doing the small bathroom.
-cleaned out the majority of our”catch all” closet.
-went through baby boy clothes and have a good 0-3 month wardrobe, and will fill in beyond that when it’s time.
– finish signing up for paperless billing so I can get rid of my file box and downsize to a thin binder.
-hubby and I went through the vitamin/medicine shelf. wow, much needed!
– I had a few random piles that I kept saying I was going to take pictures and try to sell, but instead I just took them to the salvation army so I can be done with them.

I haven’t picked up a paintbrush in over three weeks and didn’t renew my etsy shop listings. I do have my printables up, but I just have so much on my plate I was feeling guilty. And I also had time guilt – putting hours each week and neglecting other responsibilities without a steady financial return, so I freed myself and when I feel inspired it’s on my terms. .. instead I have read 3 books, started my 4th book and of course, lots of cleaning!

We are still working on house projects. We put up some trim and crown molding *heart eye emojis* and a bit of work done in Ashton’s room also. I finished sanding the bathroom door and still need to prime and paint it. (hopefully this week!)

Debt Free Journey

I follow many blogs, youtube channels, and listen to Dave Ramsey. And although we have loosely followed his plan 2/3ish years we finally recommitted this summer and I am so excited on the progress we have made over the last three months.

Our biggest reason we’ve made so much headway is because hubby has been working lots of long hours and working through weekends. If I remember correctly last month he was only home 6 days! And he’s on track to do the same this month. Thankfully he is working close enough we went and saw him during those long weeks and brought him food and did his laundry!

I am starting Rachel Cruze’s (Dave Ramsey’s daughter) clip system. It’s where you take out money for your categories but instead of envelopes, like Dave says, you use mini clips to sort your money. I’m only take out 3 categories: eat out, groceries, and my “allowance” money (aka blow money).  I’ll be using my bank card for gas, and few other things,  and will transfer on payday to savings for the sinking funds. I’m so excited ! #nerdalert

Happy Tuesday!

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