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We had such fun day yesterday at a local apple orchard.
One of my homeschool goals this year is to go on a field trip with the kids every month. I wanted to take the kids apple picking last year but I kept putting it off and then we never ended up going.
We met our friends at the orchard for a picnic and apple picking. Not all of the apples were ready to pick but we picked a whole bushel of Jonathan, Gold Delicious, Fuji, and Cortland. The trees were all short enough that the kids had no problems picking… and eating along the way 🙂

When we went to check out I saw a pile of “funky pumpkins.” <— that’s what the sign said! There were ones that were white, and some were all bumpy, and the ones I fell in love with where called Cinderella pumpkins. Have you heard of or seen these? The are silver-y blue and oh, so gorgeous. I should have went back and took a picture!! I cannot stop thinking about them! I’ll definitely be going back next week and getting one or two of those pumpkins to decorate beside the front door! Fall officially starts tomorrow so I need to get decorating, am I right?
I did however let the kids pick out three little $1 pumpkins to decorate our homeschool table, a jar of apple butter for hubby (it’s a favorite) and a half gallon of apple cider. I was a bit bummed they didn’t have a fresh cider stand set up because I really wanted to show the kids how it was made, so I may youtube search it for them!
It was so fun I think I will keep this on the Fall to-do list from now on!!
Update: Check out our 2017 Apple Picking with Daddy YouTube video !