Month: May 2017

Who Else Wants an Easy to Follow Homemaking Schedule?

homemaking schedule

Keeping up with the house can feel really overwhelming when there is so much to do: piles of laundry to wash, bills to be paid on time, toilets to keep clean, and keeping all the people fed. Up until a few months ago I didn’t have a very effective plan for a homemaking schedule but let me tell you it has made a huge difference!

Take a few minutes on Sunday to look over the week ahead and plan your homemaking schedule around your life — not your life around a to do list or a cleaning schedule. This is an easy to follow homemaking schedule, please know that it is flexible and changeable; not ridged or concrete. (more…)

Homeschool Review: Year 2

Our homeschool year in review: curriculum, field trips, and supplies!

This post may contain affiliated links, which means if you buy through the link I provided I may get a small commission (at no extra cost to you).

Before I jump in let me say that I am no expert and although I know quite a few homeschooling mom’s, none of our choices/curriculums/schedules are or will be the same. Every child is different even within a family, so what works for my oldest may not work for one of her siblings. Over the last 2 years I have been researching how different families ‘do’ homeschool, looking at different homeschool curriculums, what homeschool ‘looks’ like, but with all the research came one big point: no two families do it the same way and there isn’t a ‘wrong’ way. With all that said here is what we’ve done homeschooling year 2 wrap up. (more…)

Homemade Flaky Buttermilk Biscuits

homemade buttermilk biscuits

My family loves biscuits and gravy. It’s one of my husband’s top breakfast meals and the kids barely talk during a biscuit and gravy breakfast! These homemade flaky buttermilk biscuits use basic baking ingredients and only take about 10 minutes from start to popping them into the oven.

Now, I used to be intimidated with baking anything bread-wise; biscuits can seem tricky but they aren’t! I’ve found a few tricks that I use and they always come out fluffy and delicious.

how to make buttermilk biscuits

April Favorites 2017

This post contains affiliated links which means if you purchase through them I may receive a small commission.

I love seeing these round ups of favorites so I thought I would share some of mine too!

A few weeks ago I bought a large bottle of olive oil from Costco but when I brought it home I knew I didn’t want to leave that huge jug on my counter so I searched for a cute oil dispenser. I originally was looking for a simple glass one but fell in love with this Rachael Ray one and it makes me happy every time I use it! And it comes in a variety of colors.


Bella turns 7!

I can’t believe I became a mother 7 years ago!

She changed the direction of my life and I think her daddy would agree his did too. She was a dream baby; she slept through the night at six weeks, was always happy and loved to eat!
