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Cleansers, anti aging, nighttime cream, serums, exfoliating masks, daytime creams — there are so many products to help us with our skincare! I put together this beginner guide to an easy skincare routine to help take the guesswork out of product order and why you use each product.

Know Your Skin Type.
For many, your skin may be the same as it always has been, but things like health issues, pregnancy, hormones, age, and even the different seasons can change your skin. Identifying your skin type can help you choose products specifically created to help or balance your skin needs. Skin types include oily, combination, dry, and aging skin. Now, on to the beginner’s guide to an easy skincare routine:
Step 1: Cleanser
Cleanser, also referred as face wash. This is to help clean off all the dirt, sweat, and bacteria off your face. Many people skip this step in the morning if they don’t shower, but it’s important! While we sleep, we sweat, which is one of the best ways our body can detox, but that also means we need to be able to cleanse the sweat, dirt, and bacteria off.
Not cleansing in the morning, but doing the rest of your routine force any dirt or bacteria more into your skin. It also leads to bacteria in your makeup which can reproduce and cause more harm than good later on.
*This step is a non-negotiable in any skincare routine!
Step 2: Toner / Essence
Toner and Essences help with a couple things: helps shrink the pores that were opened up while you cleansed, removes any dirt left from cleansing, and can help the next step(s) absorb better.
Witch hazel is a good, budget-friendly product option to use as a toner!
Step 3: Treat
The treat step is to help you with any issue or concern with your skin. This a step that can confuse people, because there are so many optional products to choose for various concerns.
If you have two issues you really want help with– fine lines and dull skin — unless you find a product that helps with both, let’s just choose one issue to work on right now. Remember, this is an Easy Skincare Routine!
Advanced skincare option: if there are two issues you want to work on it’s a simple solution — use one product during your morning skincare routine and the other with your evening routine. Doing it this way is simple and streamlined and takes the confusion out. And it will encourage you not to skip your morning cleansing!
Acne? Lines and wrinkles? Scarring? Brightening?
Step 4: Protect
Everyone needs a moisturizer in their skincare routine! It’s so important to your skin’s health. Knowing your skin type is very important, specifically to find a good moisturizer.
*This the other non-negotiable easy, skincare routine step!
On top of knowing your skin type also consider what time of year is it? For someone with dry skin, in the winter they may need a thick(er) night cream to help combat their extra dry skin.
Fine lines and wrinkles will be more prominent when skin is dehydrated also.
Adequate moisturizing will also help your makeup application! Dry skin appears even more flaky when makeup is applied. You’re makeup cannot look amazing if your skin is not being taken care of.
My favorite safe, non-toxic Moisturizer with anti-aging is this Soft Cream. I love that it has as pump – it’s easy to only use what you need which makes the bottle last even longer.
Moisturize. Moisturize. Moisturize!
Need a little help remembering your skincare steps? I made this printable for you!
Tip: When you go to print, shrink it down, print and use some washi to tape it to the bathroom mirror! The five minutes you spend twice a day is an easy way to take care of yourself and you’ll both feel and look beautiful!
Step 5: Sunscreen!
Years ago, we went to Florida on vacation (my first time) and when we got there, the first thing we did? —yes, we headed to the beach! It was cool, breezy, and cloudy so I skipped putting sunscreen on the kids and myself. We were out an hour, maybe two soaking it all. I didn’t realize until hours later how.much.sun. I got!!!. I was a lobster for the rest of vacation and it was miserable– to move, to sleep, to put on clothes, ugh. Thankfully the kids have their dad’s easily-tanned skin and barely got a pink nose… If only I could find a picture…
Sunscreen is so important, the sun is damaging even when we think it’s not. It’s also one of the top reasons our face ages the fastest– it’s constantly exposed to the sun. Some products now have SPF in it, so it makes it a whole lot easier to make sure we are applying it during our morning skincare routine.
I love this tinted moisturizer, it has Vitamin C to give your skin a glow, SPF, and during the summer it’s the perfect sheer coverage with benefits. In the winter it’s great to apply it under your foundation or mix a small amount into your foundation before applying.
This is Just the Start, if you want it to be.
As mentioned, this is just an easy, beginner guide to a skincare routine. There is definitely more to cover — exfoliating, serums, oils, face masks, products with active ingredients and more!
Skincare, like many beauty products can be very toxic to our bodies– the government doesn’t regulate this industry very well — so please use resources like EWG.org to find safe, non toxic options in your budget!