I have to say I really started my personal growth journey last December after reading Rachel Hollis’ Book Girl, Wash Your Face (now a New York Times Best Seller and 2M+ copies sold) so like many women, it resonated in many ways.

It made me realize that I am not the only one who struggles within their mind, the roles they have, and how they grew up. The only thing that matter is the knowledge:
I am in control of my own life, and if I don’t like it — that’s on ME.
This last year of personal growth has been uncomfortable, thought-provoking, and inspiring. I’ve read more books, watch more videos, and listen to more podcast on how thinking affects your body (down to a cellular level), how it can create or break the use of your potential, and become the person you really want to be.
I’m also definitely not even close to where I thought I would be one year into my personal growth journey.

Here are 5 Things I’ve Learned in my Personal Growth Journey:

1. You Need People.
Good people. Honest people. People of Integrity. You also need Mentors. As far as mentors go- books, podcasts, videos- are your friend when you start your growth journey. Then search out people ahead of you in the area of growth you are wanting . It’s okay to be selective. Who you surround yourself with, you become.

2. Gratitude.
Being grateful for what you have, the knowledge you learned, the things that you have – BE GRATEFUL. …. Contentment, but not complacent.
3. They Know Their Strengths and Weaknesses.
People in the growth journey work on the weakness (and know their triggers) just as much as they develop in the area of their strengths.

4. It’s in the Schedule.
The actions steps need to reach their goal and measure progress is found in the daily and weekly tasks. You can dream about running that marathon this year, but where in your schedule this week do you see the task of running.?!
5. You Never Truly Arrive at Your Destination.
The chance to learn something else, or to still be better than you were yesterday is always there. The key is the eagerness to learn- even if you become an “expert” there is always new ideas, techniques, opinions on how to improve.
I’m sure there are many more lessons to learn. Two or more of the 5 Lessons I’ve learned have shown in almost every book/podcast/video I’ve come across!
Top Books that have helped me over the last year:
If you have any resources, book suggestions I encourage you to leave a comment below or email me at findingfaithsfuture@gmail.com