Category: Holidays

Happy 29th to Me!


The kids crowded around to watch as a I rolled, sprinkled, cut, and arranged cinnamon rolls on Thursday evening after cleaning up dinner. Choosing your birthday meals are a family tradition and one I hope plants seeds of fond memories together. They chatted among themselves on what I was doing, what ingredients I was doing, and crinkled their noses as I arranged the cinnamon rolls on the cookie sheet. These small every day things I don’t always recognize, sometimes later only recalling them as wishing time would rewind do soak in them a moment longer. (more…)

Christmas Gifts for SAHM

Stay At Home Mom Gift Guide

cannot believe we are less than 3 weeks away from Christmas!! Granted, here in Indiana we finally had a little snow fall!

Today I wanted to share  a few Christmas Gift ideas that I have and love or that is on my Stay At Home Mom wishlist. Enjoy and feel free to leave a comment with any other ideas!

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SAHM Christmas Guide

20 Ideas for Stocking Stuffers

20 Stocking StufferPIN IT

I know you’ll probably be seeing these Stocking Stuffer Idea lists everywhere- shares, blogs, pinterest- – but personally I love reading through them to gain some new ideas (or ones I forgot!). Most of the items I put in our stockings are not big or expensive so I try to pick up a few things here and there the weeks leading up to Christmas! (more…)

My husband is a great gift giver but…

My husband is probably the best gift giver I have ever known ( I AM lucky!) but he is the WORST at waiting or keeping the surprise a secret!!!

So…. I know all of my Christmas presents already. Some actually showed up on Friday, so I have already started to enjoy them! .. This year I actually came up with a Christmas list, which did make his job a little easier. I like practical every-day items.  And the fact he saved us some money but making the purchases over the Thanksgiving holiday. extra win! (more…)

Thanksgiving weekend recap

Thanksgiving turned out wonderful. We traveled to PA and I didn’t have to cook a thing!

My grandma and aunt made all the traditional Thanksgiving foods with a few extras and it was a hit. I think all the kids had seconds or thirds!

We got to visit with my grandma, dad and step mom, all my sisters, aunt and uncle… lots of laughs and stories!

The kids did really good traveling but were quite tired, as was I, throughout the trip and since we’ve been home!

It was a quick 2 day trip but much needed. We snuck in some pictures since we were all together and I still need to get them emailed to everyone .

When we got home Calvin and I snuck off to do some Christmas browsing and a had a little date while discussing Christmas gifts and purchased our Christmas tree .. I’m usually ahead of the game, but not this year! I have only purchased two presents so far!

Christmas decorating in progress!!