Category: homemaking

Monday was good to me

The time change was suppose to give us an hour, right? Well something happened and my kids LOST 2 hours!?!?!!. Which means I have been getting a 5:30 am wake up call.  Ah, well. The kids are currently drawing at the big table and I have water heating on the stove for my coffee.

My husband is the early bird, he always has been. I do have to agree when I get up early I get more things accomplished. Yesterday I had everything done before lunch (except one load of laundry I chose not to fold that is currently in the dryer). And Mel took a morning nap instead of her afternoon nap which was a big help also. And I got to have a little midmorning rest:

new slipper socks from Muk-Luks – so soft and warm, perfect gift for Christmas!

It really is good for me though. I got to play a game with the kids, we watched one episode of Chopped on Netflix, and I read them a book. Dare I say I’m starting to like these early mornings? Haha. 3pm rolled around and I felt like it should have been 5 or 6 o’clock!

I am also realizing I’m on my phone a whole lot less these days which means I’m “finding” pockets of time to read a book myself, play with the kids, or just sit down and enjoy watching the kids play.. or them play with baby brother. I have seen the awe in the ‘big’ kids’ eyes on seeing a new baby(mel) but I cannot wait to see Melanie. She loves to shake my belly and tell him to ‘wake up – breakfast” as she says. I want savor these moments forever!  I’m sure she’ll be excited to ‘play’ with him!

Oh, and early bedtimes are my jam! … I have read before that the more hours you get to bed before midnight the better you sleep?! I don’t know if that’s true, but when 9 p.m. hits, my body makes me feel like it’s midnight! But I really am sleeping better, even with my pregnancy aches and baby boy’s nighttime party kicks.

I think I may keep this routine 🙂

Deep cleaning, decluttering, and debt free journey

I don’t know if it’s the fall weather or the nesting has already kicked in. But deep cleaning and decluttering the house is my jam right now!

Deep cleaning and decluttering:

-swapped out summer clothes and bought majority of fall/winter clothes
-went through my clothes that don’t fit now, summer clothes and donated stuff I didn’t love. which left me with less to pack away for next year.
-scrubbed bathroom grout with baking soda, perioxide, and a toothbrush. Hubby didn’t seem to think it was a big deal but I think it lightened the floor a lot! ha. still need to finish doing the small bathroom.
-cleaned out the majority of our”catch all” closet.
-went through baby boy clothes and have a good 0-3 month wardrobe, and will fill in beyond that when it’s time.
– finish signing up for paperless billing so I can get rid of my file box and downsize to a thin binder.
-hubby and I went through the vitamin/medicine shelf. wow, much needed!
– I had a few random piles that I kept saying I was going to take pictures and try to sell, but instead I just took them to the salvation army so I can be done with them.

I haven’t picked up a paintbrush in over three weeks and didn’t renew my etsy shop listings. I do have my printables up, but I just have so much on my plate I was feeling guilty. And I also had time guilt – putting hours each week and neglecting other responsibilities without a steady financial return, so I freed myself and when I feel inspired it’s on my terms. .. instead I have read 3 books, started my 4th book and of course, lots of cleaning!

We are still working on house projects. We put up some trim and crown molding *heart eye emojis* and a bit of work done in Ashton’s room also. I finished sanding the bathroom door and still need to prime and paint it. (hopefully this week!)

Debt Free Journey

I follow many blogs, youtube channels, and listen to Dave Ramsey. And although we have loosely followed his plan 2/3ish years we finally recommitted this summer and I am so excited on the progress we have made over the last three months.

Our biggest reason we’ve made so much headway is because hubby has been working lots of long hours and working through weekends. If I remember correctly last month he was only home 6 days! And he’s on track to do the same this month. Thankfully he is working close enough we went and saw him during those long weeks and brought him food and did his laundry!

I am starting Rachel Cruze’s (Dave Ramsey’s daughter) clip system. It’s where you take out money for your categories but instead of envelopes, like Dave says, you use mini clips to sort your money. I’m only take out 3 categories: eat out, groceries, and my “allowance” money (aka blow money).  I’ll be using my bank card for gas, and few other things,  and will transfer on payday to savings for the sinking funds. I’m so excited ! #nerdalert

Happy Tuesday!

No Spend September thoughts & my meal plan

Have you heard of no-spend September?

I came across a blog posted written about it and then I went and youtube searched it: so many people do this! It’s genius really, lots of people have just spent money on getting their kids back into school with new clothes, supplies, and school fees and this helps get family’s back on track before the holidays come rolling in!

Everyone does it a bit different, but from what I saw mostly people:
-still pay all of their normal bills
-still put gas in their vehicles
-either lower their monthly grocery budget by $100 (say, $400 vs the normal $500) OR they only buy $100 worth of groceries every week.

and DON’T do the following:
-no drive through or eating out AT ALL the WHOLE month. (anyone else guilty more than they’d like to admit) *raising hand*
-no “fun” activities that COST money, of course free doesn’t count.
-no going to target (for us it’s Lowed!)  without a list and buy $150 worth of stuff you really, truly didn’t NEED at this moment.

I cannot remember who now that I’m writing this, say they do this twice a year now. They do a no spend  September and also one in January .. SO smart!

Although we aren’t necessarily doing a no spend September we are focusing on getting some debt paid. The Mr. has been working some overtime so we are making sure that isn’t just spend on random-ness! .. and I have made it a goal to spend $100 a week on groceries this month. I plan meals, but I really don’t stick to a “Monday is this” “Tuesday we are having this” strict schedule.. it’s more of a list and then I make what I feel like having, or cooking 😉


banana muffins and smoothies
pancakes with PB and bananas, milk
egg sandwich- egg, cheese, ham on an English muffin
baked oatmeal

sandwiches (usually PB& jelly)
homemade ham and cheese hot pockets

tomato soup and grilled cheese
beef stroganoff, roasted carrots
nachos- beans, rice, lettuce, greek yogurt, black olives, avocado, salsa
chicken, rice, and a veggie
pizza – homemade

Happy Monday friends!

have you heard of No Spend September? if you’ve done it let me know how it worked out!?!!

Grocery Challenge

Like a lot of wife/mom’s I am the primary grocery shopper.
Okay, actually if I let my husband shop we would be broke and hungry 😉  I kid. Kind of.

We have been talking a lot lately about getting back on the debt free road. Since buying the house last year and so many projects we’ve kind of fallen off track. Like we heard on a Dave Ramsey talk show session this last weekend  “we are letting our money flow out of our hands like a sieve. ” And I have to admit our grocery money is all over the place.


1. Multiple grocery trips (I do menu plan but sometimes we go with what we are hungry for vs what I’ve already planned out and therefore are running to the store more times than needed).
2. Out to eat. Which is partly my fault for not having food prepped. Naturally we are on the go a lot and ended up ‘losing track of the time.’


1. Decided on a GROCERY budget and keep receipts…to explain: I get a certain amount each month and out of that I use it for everything- groceries, amazon, out to eat, art supplies, etc.
2. Meal prep. Especially for the weekend.
3. Continue meal planning – with at least 2 ‘extra’ meals to switch out if needed.
4. Freezer cooking .
5. Costco.

One box of these at Kroger runs $5-6.
I bought this box at Costco (=6 Kroger boxes) for $10.99

I need to keep myself accountable so I’m typing it out here 🙂  Happy to have anyone join in if you need the challenge too, or share your meal plan in the comments.

Do you have a grocery budget? What is it and how many people are in your family?