Category: recipes

Homemade Flaky Buttermilk Biscuits

homemade buttermilk biscuits

My family loves biscuits and gravy. It’s one of my husband’s top breakfast meals and the kids barely talk during a biscuit and gravy breakfast! These homemade flaky buttermilk biscuits use basic baking ingredients and only take about 10 minutes from start to popping them into the oven.

Now, I used to be intimidated with baking anything bread-wise; biscuits can seem tricky but they aren’t! I’ve found a few tricks that I use and they always come out fluffy and delicious.

how to make buttermilk biscuits

5 Go-To Meals

Lately I have been doing pretty well with meal prepping, freezer meals,  and meal planning. I fit it in during Theo’s naptime and make sure I have a full list so I only make 1 grocery trip a week which saves money and my sanity. I have yet to try and run errands with 4 kiddos by myself! (more…)