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Over halfway through the month! If you are new around here and don’t know what this Fill Your Freezer Febraury is about, here is a recap: In February I focus on getting items into my freezer that I already know my family will eat and doing so without going over my normal grocery budget. I focus on making items from scratch- anything from homemade biscuits to homemade bone broth. I don’t always focus on just meals- but having some of the components needed to make meals is just as convient as having a stack of crockpot meals or instant pot meals. The whole idea is to make meal time easier in the future- whether that would be pulling out some snacks for a playdate, having smoothie items ready for a quick breakfast, or having the dinner protein pre cooked. There is no “this is the only way” approach – think about what will help you and your family.
Yesterday I was able to freeze leftover gluten free chocolate cupcakes. I went against our usually make-from-scratch birthday cake since we are still navigating and learning how to bake gluten free. I opted to buy a cake mix (this brand – definitely would buy again!); made cupcakes with the birthday boy and ate it with dairy free ice cream! . Theo is officially THREE and I can’t believe it!

I’m a big fan of sheet pan dinners, because they are SO easy and everyone can pick and choose what they want to eat.
I made a whole chicken (Tip: it will cook faster if you butterfly it) along with roasted vegetables, in this case yellow carrots, purple cabbage, and golden potatoes.

Not only did I freeze the extra meat, but also the juices. I added the chicken bones to a freezer gallon bag since I don’t have all the ingredients on hand to make a batch of bone broth.

Feel free to share anything you have been able to tuck away into your freezer!
Faith Lord/findingfaithsfuture is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program.
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