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Goodness gracious it’s been awhile! Not sure I could count how many times I wanted to make time to hop on here, but alas, it kept getting pushed down the list.
Baby #5
Baby Boy – four days overdue, decided to join us! I had an easy, unmedicated 7 hour labor ! Born at 7 lbs 8 oz Connor Miles was born December 10. He is now 6 weeks old and the newness has not worn off. We love and adore him.! Beyond the after birth pains, I have had a pretty easy post partum. I suppose all those freezer meals and a lot of help from hubby with the other four kids over Christmas break made it easier on my body!

Days into resting post partum and I got antsy… and decided to learn how to make real ( takes-three-days) croissants. They were delicious!

Although we won’t be making them anytime soon because also over the holiday break someone in our family was diagnosed with a chronic, lesser-known about disease and our whole household (for support) is on a food elimination diet. All of the top 8 food allergens- eggs, dairy, gluten, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, and soy have been eliminated right now until we can determine what the trigger food(s) are.
Focusing on what we CAN EAT is a huge help, along with LOTS of color!

My camera roll is full of food (what I have been cooking to make future meal planning easy 😉 and baby Connor!…. Eh, I’m not complaining.
We also rekindled our love for puzzles! Which was a good resting activity for me to do! … Also, hubby gets antsy himself during weeks off during Christmas and he decided to make a coffee table! Love that handy, DIY husband of mine!

We did start back “regular” life last week- work, homeschool, routines, and I have to say it feels good!
Oh, if you have been around awhile, I host Fill Your Feeezer February ! I share how every February I get meals and snacks into my freezer to help save time in the future! This year will be a combination of Freezer Cooking and Fridge Meal Prep. More on this soon, so keep an eye put for a dedicated blog post!