Category: Fill Your Freezer February

February Challenge: Freezer Cooking Week Three

This week freezer cooking was a mixture of favorites and new recipes, so a fun week! You can read the other updates this month HERE (and grab a FREE printable), Week One, and Week Two. There areĀ so many ways and methods to Freezer Cooking. Taking this month to bulk up the freezer will help over the next couple of months and then I can slowly add in more or replace what we eat which helps save on time, menu planning, and our health! (more…)

February Challenge: Fill Your Freezer Update

fill your freezer

These monthly challenges were created to help me actually achieve my Goals /New Years Resolutions for 2018. Fill Your Freezer helps me stay in our grocery budget, keeps us from the drive through, and as we all know, healthier! Not only am I teaching my kids to cook but I’m jumping in and learning things I’ve been too scared to try and finding new foods that we enjoy. I hope this encourages you as much as it keeps me motivated! (more…)