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Today I repeated yesterday’s scone recipe, but with a gluten free flour blend and non dairy milk.

We are on a recent diagnosis and currently eliminating the most common allergy foods and baking has been difficult. Buying specialty allergy friendly baking treats cost more (although we have bought a few boxes). Homemade has been a bigger learning curve that I first thought it would be. The batter doesn’t stir up the same and the texture is different after baking – half the time I dont know if the end result was even how it was ‘suppose’ to taste since we don’t have much experience with gluten free baked treats.

I made the recipe that is printed on the bag of my gluten free flour blend (Costco find) and adding cocoa for some chocolate flavor . We enjoyed them, but I also wanted to freezer test a couple to see if it they will defrost and taste the same. If so, I will be making a bigger batch to freeze.

Similar silicone muffin pan HERE. We use this all the time, and not just for muffins!

If you have gluten free baking experience I would love to hear your recommendations!

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