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January Challenge: Week 4

sourdough starter

I can’t believe January is already over! I was super excited to dive into my/our family goals for this year and this Month’s Challenge of Me Time I think was a great kick off, but also helped me realize what types of things help me relax, rejuvenate, or simply unwind on the days I feel overwhelmed. If you are lost and have no idea what I’m talking about hop over here for the introduction, jump to week two‘s update, and here for week three! (more…)

About Me

I grew up with a “crunchy” mom before it was ever a “thing.” Even though she worked full time outside the home, she still made dinner every night of the week. Saturday was our main cleaning day, with a few chores required throughout the week. I saw her lay out the papers and balance her checkbook at the kitchen table sometimes. She always got ready for the day and there were certain nights a week my sisters and I would cram together to watch a show on what we used to call “amish tv” (one of the five TV channels we had since we didn’t have cable).

You see, I have fond memories of all of it. The thing is though, beyond learning to cook and what chores to do, I wasn’t taught how to run a home. And yet, here I am mother of six, still learning things.

I do things differently than my mother, like my homemaking schedule, but maybe because that’s the luxury of being a stay at home mom of six (non toxic skincare side gig mom too). To be honest I LOVE being in the kitchen cooking way more than sorting and folding laundry.

That’s the thing about being a homemaker — you get to decide your homemaking philosophy. What parts of it are important to you? Mine really focuses on good food: learning new techniques and recipes. Memory making with my husband and children- nature walks, homemade pizza and movie nights, birthday traditions, and all the other little tid bits we learn and do together as a family.

I started this blog originally as a place to connect and share the day to days, but my hearts desire as time went on, is for women to come along side me as we learn, grow, and enjoy the homemaking/stay at home mom “life.” For instance — taking pride in my DIY Budget Bathroom Makeover, Must Have Baby Items, Fill Your Freezer February— sharing in excitement on learning how to make real croissants, sourdough bread, from scratch cookie ice cream sandwiches. If that sounds like you, I’d love for you to stick around.

If your excited about all that, consider join my email list! — you’ll get the new posts sent straight to your email; I get so much joy from building friendships with other like-minded women.

Life Update- Baby #5 is Here!

Goodness gracious it’s been awhile! Not sure I could count how many times I wanted to make time to hop on here, but alas, it kept getting pushed down the list.

Baby #5

Baby Boy – four days overdue, decided to join us! I had an easy, unmedicated 7 hour labor ! Born at 7 lbs 8 oz Connor Miles was born December 10. He is now 6 weeks old and the newness has not worn off. We love and adore him.! Beyond the after birth pains, I have had a pretty easy post partum. I suppose all those freezer meals and a lot of help from hubby with the other four kids over Christmas break made it easier on my body!


We Attempted Whole30: Here’s What Happened

We attempted Whole30 last month. I say attempted because we only made if officially 14 days. But wait, hear me out. I just wanted to write my family’s experience. I recognize that the Whole30 community would say that we didn’t complete the 30 days so it doesn’t count, and I would agree. But just in case this helps someone plan better, want an honest review, or are just reading through to gain some knowledge, I hope this helps them!

affiliated links used, but only for products I love, enjoy and that I think you will too!


5 Tips to Monthly Meal Planning & Free Printable

As a mom with many little mouths to feed, meal planning and cooking can become a huge, dreaded task. Creating a monthly meal plan takes away some of our weekly stress and can turn cooking into an enjoyable task instead of a dreaded one! I realized a few months ago weekly meal planning wasn’t working anymore. I was meal planning for one-two days between searching pinterest, looking through the pantry, and making a list and then taking another one or two trips to the store a week only to turn around a few days later to start it all over. I was burned out and frustrated. I started monthly meal planning and using this printable system and it has been such a relief!


Homemaking Schedule: Kitchen Day

food prep

I saved the best for the last: Kitchen Day!

You can call it meal prep, food prep, or make ahead, but whatever title you give it, it sure helps the rest of the week run {more} smoothly. A meal can come together a whole lot faster, thinking ahead and having a ‘plan’ for the week, and it gives last minute options if it’s been a long day or little time to be in the kitchen. (more…)