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2022 Fill Your Freezer February Challenge

freezer cooking banana bread

I am super excited for this year’s Fill Your Freezer February Challenge albiet a little late getting started this month due to snow storms here in Indiana!. This year lines up perfectly for me, because baby number 6 is due at the beginning of April! So, I will be specifically focused on freezer cooking on items that will help my life be a little easier when I’m consumed with baby snuggles!

The Rules:


Fill Your Freezer: February 23

Today’s freezer friendly oatmeal bar recipe can be eaten as part of breakfast or as a snack!

Oatmeal Bars

I had to go searching for the internet for this oatmeal bar recipe, and thank goodness I found it again! I now need to go write it down in my recipe box — if you don’t have one — I encourage you to! There’s nothing like keeping favorite recipes close at hand and share with others when they ask!


Fill Your Freezer: February 22

Anyone else eat hot pockets as a kid? Which is better ham and cheese or pepperoni pizza? Well, today I made homemade ham and cheese hot pockets – some to fill the freezer and some for lunch!

The kids enjoyed them and then told me I need to make them more often! I agree they were delicious and healthier and once made, will be easy to take out of the freezer and pop in the oven to reheat.

For the bread dough I use my pizza dough recipe (it really is so versatile!)
