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I thought it would be fun to sharing a little bit of this and that today. Things like what I’m reading, watching, listening etc. The seasons are starting to change along with our routines, but those touch stone items in our life keep us grounded, especially when life can feel chaotic during quarantine.
Family Time
Playing UNO. I recently picked this up on a grocery and essentials run, and we have been playing it almost daily, sometimes multiple times! A classic!

Outside Time. We love going on walks, we recently got the kids’ bikes down and cleaned up, along with them helping with outside projects.
Starting the garden. We weren’t originally going to, but now that we are hands deep in dirt, everyone has enjoyed helping to jump in to get everything going.
Lois Lowry Series. I can’t believe I haven’t read this book series. I have since read The Giver, Gathering Blue, and currently reading Messenger. Hopefully the library opens soon so I can get the last book, Son.
Cozy Minimalist Home. Reading this book has helped my pin point issues with certain rooms in my house and now I know why it feels “off” to me. Definitely the kind of style I love and makes me feel peaceful within my own home. This isn’t a “less is more” typical minimalist book, but a purposely less stuff, but with the items you love.
The Lifegiving Home. Re-reading this book. It’s broken down into monthly chapters, so I am reading the corresponding chapter at the beginning of each month, and reflecting.
The Tale of Despereaux. I am reading this for the kids’ read aloud book.
Stories Podcast. The kids like to listen to a story during lunch some days.
At Home with Sally Clarkson. I find her voice soothing, but she has wisdom on raising Godly children, homeschooling, and much more.
Yardwork! Shoveling dirt, chopping down bushes, wheelbarrowing 😉
5 minute workouts. You need nothing but your body weight! 5 minutes might not seem like that long, but I promise you’ll be sore! We have been doing this as a family. You can check out the YouTube channel HERE.
Coffee with non dairy creamer, specifically this kind. Blend it in the blender, and it’s a just like drinking a latte!

Rooibos Tea. The kids enjoy having enjoying the morning with some scones. I also enjoy it in the afternoon when I really want a cup of coffee.

Homemade Mexican Food. via my friend, Andrea. I have followed her for years on Instagram (her handle is @oursupperstories). I bought her E-Cookbook “Volume 1: Stories of Mexican Classics” . Every recipe – beans, mexican rice, potato stew – my family has loved every.single.recipe. – go buy it, it’s less than the cost of a meal at your local Mexican restaurant!
Lemonade popsicles. I used real lemon juice instead of lemons and followed this recipe (it makes a lot- 20 popsicles worth), using this popsicle mold that makes 10 at a time! The kids really enjoyed these!
My ‘famous’ Snack Lunches. A little of this and a little bit of that- perfect for the I-need-to-go-grocery-shopping and lets find all the things that need ate before they go bad.
Shepard’s Pie. I don’t even think I have made Shepard’s Pie, like ever. I now have made it 3 times in the last 2 weeks, because my family has raved about it. I thought it was a fluke the first night, but then it was requested again and again raved about. Apparently I need to make it again soon, just so I can write down what I used!
Designated Survivor. My husband and I are currently watching this as ‘our’ show on Netflix.
The Elliot Homestead on YouTube. I have been watching a lot of garden videos online lately, but I really enjoy her voice and the storytelling of the video-ography!
Cincinnati Zoo Livestreams. We usually watch these on Youtube the next day, because it seems to glitch a lot for us when we try to watch live on Facebook.
Spirit on Netflix, one of the kids’ favorite shows and they all enjoy it.
Random Delights
Banana Slicer. For what felt like months, one of my children would ask for this banana slicer when we went to the store (pre COVID-19) and I always thought it was a silly tool. But alas, I bought it- silly tool, you are a time saver and makes-us-smile every time we use it!
Bird Watching. So far this spring we have identified two new species in our yard, and even observed a red tailed hawk in our tree – long enough for us to get out the good camera, hubby snuck outside and got a couple good photos! We have this Indiana Bird Book and this Midwest Field Guide that we use all.the.time.

These Mixing Bowls. This set was a Christmas gift and I love it! Small to X-Large set – I have got so much use out of these already, especially when I am big batch and freezer cooking (and making a massive amount of popcorn for movie night!). Not only that, but the bottom of the bowl grips to the counter and it color coordinates to the lid, which means it takes ONE time to find the lid in the cabinet 😉

Do you have a current favorite show? New hobby since quarantine started? Are you gardening this year?