Year: 2017

Homeschool Charlotte Mason Education

I had quite a few questions at the end of last school year on how we homeschool, what curriculum we use, how do I keep little ones busy, etc. You can read up on last year in this post but I have to say the beauty with homeschooling is being able to change directions when things don’t quite feel right. Towards the end of the last year I started doing research, not on curriculum, but on the different ways and philosophies and approaches to homeschooling (unschooling, child led, traditional, Charlotte Mason, unit studies, etc) trying to figure out which would be the best fit for us. I actually had come across Charlotte Mason a few years ago but trying to read her volumes was (and somewhat still is, but I’m trying!) frustrating to me so I gave up without really doing research beyond her volumes. Thankfully I looked into CM again, but I am really excited about this year!


5 Tips to Monthly Meal Planning & Free Printable

As a mom with many little mouths to feed, meal planning and cooking can become a huge, dreaded task. Creating a monthly meal plan takes away some of our weekly stress and can turn cooking into an enjoyable task instead of a dreaded one! I realized a few months ago weekly meal planning wasn’t working anymore. I was meal planning for one-two days between searching pinterest, looking through the pantry, and making a list and then taking another one or two trips to the store a week only to turn around a few days later to start it all over. I was burned out and frustrated. I started monthly meal planning and using this printable system and it has been such a relief!


End of July!?

I can’t believe it’s the end of July already, can you?

We’ve been busy over here! Lots of yard work, homeschool planning, decluttering the house, working on the boys’ room to get it finished, looking at paint colors and tile for the next project in the house, meal planning (I think I’m in love doing the monthly meal plan!)…

Oh the list goes on and on. I’ve been really trying to manage my time on projects but it’s gotten difficult on my attitude and I have been easily frustrated with all that needs to get done.

So I need to step back and enjoy the last of the summer doing fun things with kids! We made some fun plans for the weekend and I’m looking forward to it!


Any last minute plans or fun things happening before summer ends?

Intentional Summer Series 

Happy Monday!

Today I’m guest posting over HERE about having an Intentional Summer with my littles. Every Monday this summer is a new post up on this topic and Keri is also having a great summer series via email that you sign up for on her site too, so check that out too! (Fun games and bits of wisdom).

Here’s a snippet :

Three Ways to be Intentional With Your Kids- Tips for Summer

Since the birth of our fourth child back in February I’ve realized some days I barely went through the motions of our day. Have you ever felt like you had desire to be intentional with your kids, but it just did not happen?

That was me.

I mentally checked off things on my to do list instead of playing with the kids or sitting down and reading a book while the youngest naps. I would squeeze in “one more” chore around the house. When he woke up it felt like a juggling act some days between trying to finish cooking meal, feeding the baby, or breaking up an argument. As we got closer to wrapping up our homeschool year, I realized I needed to focus on having an intentional summer to reconnect as a family and with each child individually.


June Book Reviews

book reviews

I have rediscovered my love of reading! I read a few books last month and thought I’d do a book review in case you’re looking for suggestions!  My sisters and I were all were bookworms growing up but when you have kids, you can’t stay up until 1 am to finish a book when you still have a nursing baby and early bird risers because then you tend to turn into a grumpy mom. I knew it was a bad idea while I glanced at the clock at 11:09 p.m. and still kept reading ahh. well 🙂 (more…)

Homemaking Schedule: Kitchen Day

food prep

I saved the best for the last: Kitchen Day!

You can call it meal prep, food prep, or make ahead, but whatever title you give it, it sure helps the rest of the week run {more} smoothly. A meal can come together a whole lot faster, thinking ahead and having a ‘plan’ for the week, and it gives last minute options if it’s been a long day or little time to be in the kitchen. (more…)

Homemaking Schedule: Cleaning Day

cleaning day

Oh, cleaning day, how I hate you but I love you also. Now, personally I like to do cleaning day on Thursday, before the rush of the weekend hits but that’s a personal preference.

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Depending on how bad the house is I either start with the room that needs the most attention, or I start at one end of the house and go room by room. Cleaning room by room keeps me from getting side tracked versus doing all the dusting walking room to room and noticing socks that need picked up, or that I need to send out some mail, or that I need to take out the trash…… (more…)