Year: 2017

Homemaking Schedule: Laundry Day

laundry day
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Ah, laundry day! It’s necessary,  takes all day, but it’s only one day a week! You can read the homemaking schedule introduction HERE. Don’t feel like you need to make ALL the changes at once, that usually doesn’t work. I chose to do this series once a week this month so you don’t feel overwhelmed. This is suppose to help you plan and create a more effective homemaking schedule not make you more frazzled or frustrated.

We are a family of 6 (kids- 7,5,2, 3 months) therefore between all of us, laundry day does tend to take take all day. Starting before breakfast is one way to get the day off to a good start. If I’m really pro active, the night before laundry day the kids will help me gather up the clothes after bathtime  to sort clothes 😉


One Pot Roasted Red Pepper and Sausage Pasta

roasted red pepper and sausage pasta

Today I have a new take on pasta night! I was pleasantly surprised when I made this the first time that it was a hit with everyone, the kids even had seconds! Every mom’s meal planning dream come true, haha! It takes one pot, 7 ingredients, and less than 30 minutes to get this roasted red pepper and sausage pasta to the table! My kids always rave when I serve it with homemade bread.


Who Else Wants an Easy to Follow Homemaking Schedule?

homemaking schedule

Keeping up with the house can feel really overwhelming when there is so much to do: piles of laundry to wash, bills to be paid on time, toilets to keep clean, and keeping all the people fed. Up until a few months ago I didn’t have a very effective plan for a homemaking schedule but let me tell you it has made a huge difference!

Take a few minutes on Sunday to look over the week ahead and plan your homemaking schedule around your life — not your life around a to do list or a cleaning schedule. This is an easy to follow homemaking schedule, please know that it is flexible and changeable; not ridged or concrete. (more…)

Homeschool Review: Year 2

Our homeschool year in review: curriculum, field trips, and supplies!

This post may contain affiliated links, which means if you buy through the link I provided I may get a small commission (at no extra cost to you).

Before I jump in let me say that I am no expert and although I know quite a few homeschooling mom’s, none of our choices/curriculums/schedules are or will be the same. Every child is different even within a family, so what works for my oldest may not work for one of her siblings. Over the last 2 years I have been researching how different families ‘do’ homeschool, looking at different homeschool curriculums, what homeschool ‘looks’ like, but with all the research came one big point: no two families do it the same way and there isn’t a ‘wrong’ way. With all that said here is what we’ve done homeschooling year 2 wrap up. (more…)

Homemade Flaky Buttermilk Biscuits

homemade buttermilk biscuits

My family loves biscuits and gravy. It’s one of my husband’s top breakfast meals and the kids barely talk during a biscuit and gravy breakfast! These homemade flaky buttermilk biscuits use basic baking ingredients and only take about 10 minutes from start to popping them into the oven.

Now, I used to be intimidated with baking anything bread-wise; biscuits can seem tricky but they aren’t! I’ve found a few tricks that I use and they always come out fluffy and delicious.

how to make buttermilk biscuits

April Favorites 2017

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I love seeing these round ups of favorites so I thought I would share some of mine too!

A few weeks ago I bought a large bottle of olive oil from Costco but when I brought it home I knew I didn’t want to leave that huge jug on my counter so I searched for a cute oil dispenser. I originally was looking for a simple glass one but fell in love with this Rachael Ray one and it makes me happy every time I use it! And it comes in a variety of colors.


Bella turns 7!

I can’t believe I became a mother 7 years ago!

She changed the direction of my life and I think her daddy would agree his did too. She was a dream baby; she slept through the night at six weeks, was always happy and loved to eat!


Listening, Doing, Making

Happy Tuesday!

I have literally minutes before any of the four kids need me. Two kids are just over being sick and the other two are currently which means my days are long, sleepless, and full of little ones needing attention! I found a few minutes to hop on and share a few things I’m listening to, doing, and making.!

Just finished this book via audible: (more…)

DIY Front Door: Before and After Makeover

Spring is trying to come! We had beautiful weather this weekend which meant a project was bound to happen and this weekend it was DIY Front Door Makeover!

Next month will be the 2 year mark on buying our house and changing our front door has been on the list since day one. One of our biggest reservations was the fact the price tag, the one we had been keeping an eye on was around $1,000. I don’t know how many times we have been into Lowes or Menards and window shopped doors.

Calvin came across this one and decided at a $219 price tag we needed to finally go ahead and tackle that project and cross it off the list. Our old door was actually hard to open from the outside, was pretty drafty, and we personally didn’t love the gold look. Insert: DIY Front Door Makeover! (more…)