Year: 2017

5 Go-To Meals

Lately I have been doing pretty well with meal prepping, freezer meals,  and meal planning. I fit it in during Theo’s naptime and make sure I have a full list so I only make 1 grocery trip a week which saves money and my sanity. I have yet to try and run errands with 4 kiddos by myself! (more…)

Things I’m Loving Lately

Focus on the good. Positive breeds positive. Looking at the bright side.

1. Springtime is coming!

Granted some days snow still falls, we have one warm weathered day then the following day it pours down buckets of rain. But spring IS coming; I’ve seen glimpses, I swear it! (more…)

Part 2: Theo’s Birth Story

Read PART ONE  of Theo’s Birth Story here.

After my water broke things started to get harder. Harder to focus, harder to not be irritated that hubby wanted to watch the news and I couldn’t stand it (haha!), contractions were harder, and I was getting so tired, I mean, it was 2:30 am!

Up to this point I was pretty comfortable about how everything was going. The nurse(s) never pressured my about my non-epidural decision, never mentioned giving me Pitocin, kind of left me alone to do my thing. ..


It’s Baby Month! 38 Week Bumpdate!

Ah, February is finally here!!

I had an appointment last week and ended up getting sent down for an ultrasound to make sure he was still head down, because she wasn’t completely sure. A tad nervous for a second, but he is! I’ve never had an ultrasound so late in pregnancy so I enjoyed it! I had her double check he was really a boy 😉 and got to watch him practice breathing with his lungs! I’m pretty sure he’s going to have a bit of hair too! (more…)