Today I wanted to another gift guide: Non-Toxic Gift Ideas. We are surrounded with shopping options right now, but many of them may have negative affects on our health.
(more…)Gift Guide: Non-Toxic

Today I wanted to another gift guide: Non-Toxic Gift Ideas. We are surrounded with shopping options right now, but many of them may have negative affects on our health.
(more…)When it comes to buying gifts for the stay at home mom in your life I think there are three main categories that you should think of when choosing a gift: (1) making her life easier, (2) taking time for herself, or (3) an indulgent gift that she wouldn’t normally buy/take time for herself.
This gift guide expands on my *own* experience as a stay at home mom and those SAHMs in my life (and items we have and love!).
I hope this stay at home mom gift guide helps you narrow down an amazing gift!
Instant Pot Cookbook – it seems rare that we hear someone doesn’t have a Instant Pot. And what mom doesn’t need a variety of one pot meals to make dinnertime that-much-simple.
Or Skinnytaste One & Done Cookbook. Variety of “one pot” meals- instant pot, sheet pan, slow cooker, etc.
Fuzzy Robe – 18,000 reviews! Or if you want a more every season/ daily robe check out THIS ONE.
Live Plant. I don’t think many people think of this — but a live plant can bright up a space without having to know their decorating style. The one linked is both interesting in color and the base is a neutral color.
Skincare Set. Mom’s sometime need a little push to take the 5-10 minutes in the am/pm to herself. This gift will give her that gentle nudge to take the time for herself!
Backpack Diaper Bag – okay, this may be on my personal wishlist as we are 1/2 way through baby #6 pregancy, but a backpack helps keep your hands free while out running errands– and that’s always a good thing! Take it a step further and fill it with some fun things– chocolate, a hat, pack of baby diapers, etc!
Mascara & Lipgloss Duo . This duo will help ANY mom feel put together in 2 minutes! No harsh, harmful ingredients and the lipgloss has a wonderful scent from Madagascar Vanilla!
Slippers. Classic style in a few classical colors.
Kendra Scott earrings. What women wouldn’t want a little glitz to open in Christmas? The earrings linked are ‘simple’ enough to be worn everyday for some glam or easily dressed up!
I’d love for you to share in the comments one of your favorite past gifts you’ve received or one you are planning to buy for the stay at home mom in your life!
Related Articles:
Non Toxic Gift Guide
On the Go Mom Gift Guide
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(more…)I’m a little sad this year’s Fill Your Freezer February has come to a close! If you want to see all over this year and past years posts, click HERE .
I had a technically glitch with Friday’s post, so I decided to combine these last few days!
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I had to go searching for the internet for this oatmeal bar recipe, and thank goodness I found it again! I now need to go write it down in my recipe box — if you don’t have one — I encourage you to! There’s nothing like keeping favorite recipes close at hand and share with others when they ask!